GEMS Girls Esteem Made to Shine!® – Our cornerstone program started it all back in late 2007. Encouraged to write out a program, Leslie McElhaney, Founder and Executive Director of GEMS Ministries, sat down with pen and paper in hand. With lots of thought, tears and prayer, the name and program poured out and GEMS was birthed.
Our mission is to shine our light onto others by helping them to remove labels, embrace their true identity, recognize their true worth and value and let their light shine!
We want to ignite the passion and light inside you!
Struggling with self-esteem and rejection is sadly commonplace in the world. Life’s circumstances can dim our light and tells us who we are not. Instead of embracing the truth from our Creator, we embrace the labels and lies. Understanding our true value and worth is how we overcome and find freedom.
Girls (and women of all ages)
Esteem (Worth, Value)
Made (Already Established, Created Free)
Shine (Characteristics, Facets, Gifts, Talents)
The program outline came next with topics including “Made for It,” “Removing Labels to Shine,” and Your Future is Bright!”
From connecting with other church groups to meeting with small groups in her living room including her daughter, Megan, and friends, to working with after school programs, it was clear that girls and women needed a place to release pressures of life, remove their labels, and gain a firm understanding of their true worth. The interest and momentum grew and spread.
In order to expand its reach and programs and house is key program GEMS, Leslie founded GEMS Ministries as an official 501C3 non-profit in 2018 with a vision to empower people all over the world to shine and a mission to help others remove labels and obstacles, embrace their true identity, recognize their facets (gifts and talents), and let their light shine!

Girls and women of all ages and background. From the youngest to oldest, from the quiet to the boldest. Connecting
generations together from daughter to mom, niece to aunt, friend to friend.
This is done through our various outreaches including our GEMS – Girls Esteem Made to Shine! Program and our Shine N Share Events
and Giving Programs.
Through online videos, one-on-one coaching and ministering, and face-to-face events and gatherings, our mission continues to provide hope, support, and prayer to girls and women of all ages to promote healing through releasing their labels and overcoming obstacles, receiving their true worth, overcoming obstacles and walking in their true destiny with confidence and hope.
To learn more about our Programs and Partnerships click the button below.